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Beta 0.7.0

· One min read

Finally, the long-awaited LDYOM Beta 0.7.0 has been released; One of the reasons for this is the previously released teaser. Honestly, I didn't think it would cause such a stir, as it was just a sign that I'm continuing to work, that's all.

This update turned out to be quite significant, as it brought two major innovations at once, namely a storyline and a node editor. Also, the return to the previously used GUI - Imgui. You can download it on the Downloads page.

I cannot fail to mention the appearance of this website along with the manual and forum. The forum's creator is not me, but a community user. Therefore, he will be responsible for the forum. In the manual, you can find instructions for installation and creating a simple mission. For now, the manual is available in Russian and English. Anyone willing to translate it into other languages, I can fork the documentation on GitHub and translate it.

And, as always, I've prepared a video for the release of the new version, but unfortunately, it's in Russian. Those who don't understand it can try the automatic subtitles. But in general, what I talked about in the video is mentioned here. I hope you like the new node editor; I demonstrated its principle of operation in a simple mission, and I also plan to make a couple more tutorials, but more detailed in explaining its operation.

I'll touch a bit on the next version Beta 0.7.1; It will expand the capabilities of nodes and fix any found bugs. This is preliminary what I plan, as the top priority now is to ensure the stability of LDYOM, then comes the functionality and everything else. So, I urge you to download and test it, as I received many messages: "Where can I download and try it?", but there were some problems in the old version that hindered some in the installation.


  • New interface
  • Language support fixed
  • Added node editor
  • Added storyline mode
  • New way to select skins, cars, weapons
  • Bug fixes